The final season of the thrilling Attack on Titan Anime comes to life in this new version of Monopoly. Based on the final season, but faithful to Attack on Titan seasons 1-4, this is the perfect piece of Attack on Titan merch to accompany the box sets of fans of Eren Jaeger, Annie Leonhart, Reiner Braun or Mikasa Ackerman everywhere. Collect the military Attack on Titan flags, as well as civilians and Titans as you travel around the board using one of 6 unique tokens including the Omni Directional Mobility gear and the Attack on Titan Sword. Build Walls and Gates, and take a chance with the ancient civilisations of Marley and Eldia cards as you admire the Attack on Titan Posters in the board centre. Paradis Island could be yours, in this thrilling new game.
• The world’s favourite family board game brings you a beautiful new edition of Monopoly - Attack on Titan.
• Choose your favourite token, tour your favourite sites and accumulate fortunes, but watch out for taxes, jail and bankruptcy.
• Buy up colour sets and use your bespoke money to expand your empire.
• Watch out for custom Marley and Eldia cards, which could help or hinder your chances of success.
• Number of players: 2-6
• Recommended age: 12+
Monopoly Board Game: Attack on Titan Edition